Thursday, March 29, 2012

More Self-Promotion, thanks to Rich Gedney

I've met a new friend named Rich Gedney. I did so through a completely world-famous artist named Lisa Falour, who spearheaded one of the premiere early 80s Lower East Side NYC punk zines--and therefore the progenitor of the modern blog--called BIKINI GIRL. Through my friendship with her, I've connected with Rich, who does a fabulous YouTube blog about travel called RICH VOYAGES. He's extremely smart with a camera, and even without that thing, he's resolved himself to convincing people to get out of their comfort zone and connect not only with their neighbors but with their worldwide friends. Anyway, he and I have forged a new friendship, and I have to thank him for constructing this interesting little mini-resume, which lets y'all know what I'm into. Again, thanks, Rich!

What do you think? Am I okay on camera? Okay, I get another's my first food review, with Rich himself as host, as we talk about Atlanta's tasty BBQ joint The Mustard Seed.

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